A single celled-algae chlorella is found in the fresh waters. According to the scientific findings, these single celled-algae emerged around two billion years ago. This is was one of the first forms of plants that had a nucleus. However, the highly useful algae were not discovered much before. Historical records show that chlorella was discovered in 19th century. The name chlorella has Greek origins where “Chlora” means green and ‘ella’ implies small. It is known to have maximum amount of chlorophyll among known plants in the world. Per gram chlorophyll in this plant is highest. With one fifth part being the indigestible outer cell, nearly eighty percent of the plant consists of highly beneficial nutrients.
Basically a fibrous material, Chlorella has been known to bind itself with the pesticides including PCBs and heavy metals that can accumulate in our bodies. This is one of the greatest reasons as why these single celled-algae are so useful to us. For a strong immune system, a clean blood stream is necessary. The blood stream should also have the ample supply of oxygen being carried by red blood cells to have a perfect natural defense mechanism in place. Taking chlorella powder has been found to be extremely useful in keeping the bloodstream clean as it works on the bowel and other elimination channels of human body. When clean blood is running through the human body, metabolic wastes can be effectively disposed off the tissues. It is also known to provide excellent level protection. It is used as a key detoxification tool because of above mentioned healing properties.
Hemoglobin is responsible for the red color of human blood. It is hemoglobin that binds with the oxygen and carries it over to the different parts of the blood. Only difference in hemoglobin and chlorophyll is the presence of one Mg molecule at the center of compound instead of iron molecule in hemoglobin. Magnesium or Mg is very important for the smooth working of human heart. Each time human heart beats; it is using Magnesium in one form or the other. Shortage of red blood cells causes a serious medical condition known as anemia. Chlorophyll is known to be highly useful in keeping off serious medical conditions like anemia.
A number of independent researchers have suggested the use of Chlorophyll to treat anemic conditions in human body. If you continue consuming Chlorella for a few days, you will have little or no bad breath problem. This is because of the reason that Chlorophyll present in the chlorella works on the digestive system of the human body. If you have been suffering from the problems like foul stool smell, you ought to consume chlorella for some time. You will be absolutely surprised at the kind of results that can be achieved through regular intake of this plant. Consumption of chlorella powder or any other form of this plant is also known to relieve people from constipation problems. One of the greatest natural defense mechanism of human body against serious diseases like cancer is based on interferon. A natural secretion in the human body, interferon is known to simulate the tumor necrosis factor. Regular consumption of the Chlorella will increase the interferon levels in the body, thereby improving the defense mechanism against the dreadful diseases like cancer. Two of the important digestive enzymes are known as chlorophyllase and pepsin. Both of these enzymes are present in the Chlorella and they can streamline a number of processes in the human body. Make sure you do not take pasteurized or freeze dried Chlorella if you are keen on receiving these useful enzymes. Being alkaline in nature, Chlorella can also balance your body’s pH value.
Editor’s Note: Spirulina and chlorella UK are represented by Major Marketing. Please direct all press queries to Peter Morgan . Email: peter@spirulina-uk.com Business: 08712375522